Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle
Team puzzle

Team puzzle

Cufflinks and pendants silver puzzle

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Project ‘Corporate’!
A puzzle made of 33 silver pieces: 13 pairs of cufflinks for men and 7 pendants for velvet necklaces, for women.
I created this extraordinary project for a team of great people from a Romanian company that celebrated another year of activity with united people who value each other.

For them, the company is like a second family.
Why? Because they don’t feel like they’re working. They are friends, they are a team, they are a unitary whole that runs like oiled and go in the same direction, with the same goals and with the same ideals. This is why it works. And the management team chose to tell them how much all the soul they put there matters through a gesture saying ‘thank you!’.

This is how this project was born, initiated by the company’s management, and at the anniversary party, each person in the team chose from the puzzle either a silver pendant to be attached to a velvet necklace, or a pair of silver cufflinks.

The pieces fit together exactly like in a regular puzzle, only they are jewels…
Then everyone took their jewel in a box specially designed for their jewel.

The pieces were packed in rigid black boxes tied with string and the Allegra label.

If you want something similar, the offer is customized according to the request.

Proiect ‘Corporate’!
Avem asa: un puzzle format din 33 de piese de argint: 13 perechi de butoni pentru barbati si 7 pandantive pentru coliere de catifea, pentru femei.
Am realizat acest proiect extraordinar pentru o echipa de oameni grozavi dintr-o companie romaneasca care a serbat inca un an de activitate cu oameni uniti si care se pretuiesc.
Pentru ei firma este ca o a doua famlie. 
De ce? Pentru ca ei nu simt ca muncesc. Sunt prieteni, sunt echipa, sunt un tot unitar care merge ca uns si merg in aceeasi directie, cu aceleasi scopuri si cu aceleasi idealuri. Din acest motiv functioneaza. Iar echipa de conducere a ales sa le spuna cat de mult conteaza tot sufletul pe care ei il pun acolo printr-un gest in care sa se regaseasca recunostinta ce le-o poarta.
Asa s-a nascut acest proiect, initiat de conducerea companiei, iar la petrecerea aniversara fiecare om din echipa a ales din puzzle fie un pandantiv din argint care urma sa fie atasat unui colier de catifea, fie o pereche de butoni din argint.
Piesele se imbina exact ca intr-un puzzle obisnuit, doar ca sunt bijuterii… 😁😁😁
Apoi fiecare si-a luat bijuteria intr-o cutie destinata special bijuteriei sale.
Piesele au fost ambalate in cutii rigide negre legate cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra.
Daca iti doresti ceva similar, oferta se face personalizat in functie de solicitare.
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