Welcome to the allegracollection.ro online store! Please read our conditions carefully before placing an order. Using this website and placing online orders signifies your acceptance of the conditions mentioned below:
The entire content of the site is the property of PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA and is protected by the Copyright Law and the laws on intellectual and industrial property. The use without the consent of allegracollection.ro of any elements of the site is punished according to the laws in force.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA does not assume responsibility and cannot be held liable for damages caused by using in any way the information or products on this site. All information on the site is published for informational purposes and cannot be substituted for the advice or prescriptions of any qualified medical staff.
Due to the fact that our products are made entirely by hand, the images presented on the site are by way of example, and between the products actually delivered and the images there may be small differences that are very noticeable.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA reserves the right to update these terms and conditions without prior notice to persons using this site, the changes taking effect from the time of their publication on the site. It is the obligation of the Clients and the Visitors to periodically check the clauses included in the present terms and conditions.
Declaration of conformity and guarantee
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA, based in Str. Vuietului no. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucharest, registered at the Trade Register with no. F40 / 1802 / 05.08.2020, CUI: 42872820, Tel: +40 722 415915, Fax: +40 21 266 6551, e-mail: [email protected], ensures, guarantees and declares on its own responsibility, according to the provisions of art. 5 of the government decision no. 1022/2002 on the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, safety and environmental protection, that the products sold by the company, do not endanger life, health, safety, do not produce a negative impact on the environment and are in compliance with EU rules. The silver accessories have a purity of 92.5%. Natural stones can have small differences and color imperfections or cracks, this is not a defect, it is their natural appearance.
The guarantee offered includes the fact that the jewel is made of precious metal (silver) and is marked by PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA authorized ANPC with no. 11836/11.11.2021 and at the same time with the mark of responsibility of PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA No. B/MR/551/16.05.2022.
The commercial guarantee is 12 months from the date of purchase of the product (the moment the order was placed), if it has manufacturing defects. To benefit from this right, it is necessary to present the guarantee certificate.
According to law 449/2003, art. 11 para. 2, the buyer cannot ask for the replacement of the jewel due to the falling of the stones. Any repair to products within the warranty period will be carried out free of charge or will be replaced under the conditions of OG no. 21/1992 revised, if it is confirmed that a defect in material or workmanship was the cause of such damage, rather than improper use of the jewel by the buyer. The remediation will be done within 15 days from the date of finding the deficiency.
In case of replacement, we do not guarantee that the same model will be delivered. If the same model is not available, a similar model with an equivalent value will be delivered.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA offers its clients maintenance and repairs for the jewelry purchased for life. All you have to do is notify us at the email address [email protected]. The only cost borne by you will be that for transport (20 lei/shipping + 20 lei/return).
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA authorized by ANPC to carry out operations with precious metals and precious stones, ensures, guarantees and declares on its own responsibility, according to the provisions of art. 5 of the government decision no. 1022/2002 regarding the regime of products and services that may endanger life, health, work safety and environmental protection, as the silver jewelry made and sold by the company, do not endanger life, health, work safety, do not have a negative impact on the environment and are in accordance with EU rules.
The sold silver jewelry is checked and certified and bears the mark of the ANPC – Metals and Precious Stones department, which guarantees the quality of the precious metal used and the above-mentioned self-responsibility mark.
Jewelry maintenance instructions:
• wear jewels with stones with care because their mount is not designed to withstand mechanical pressure
• avoid contact with water, humid environments, corrosive substances or cosmetics
• keep the jewelry in the boxes received when purchasing the products or in other boxes intended for jewelry
• not to wear jewelry during household/physical activities
• oxidation (blackening) is a natural property of silver, therefore it is not considered a defect and can be cleaned very easily with special solutions for precious metals or with a similarly treated cloth
• clean the silver jewelry without stones with special solutions, to restore their shine. To care for the jewelry and preserve its shine, we recommend you to use a soft cloth, special for cleaning it.
• jewelry containing rubber parts loses its elasticity if it comes into contact with cosmetic sprays or any other petrochemical product.
• organic materials, pearls, coral, shells, mother-of-pearl need special care. They must be protected from light and excessive heat because they can change color, crack or be irreparably damaged. The skin’s natural oils, the skin’s natural temperature and humidity help the pearl maintain its luster, but the acid from sweat can attack and discolor the pearl. Also, for pearls, mother-of-pearl or coral, do not use standard jewelry cleaning substances, they can be too harsh.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA strives to present the products with maximum precision, however it is possible that each product has its own details that are not mentioned in the description. You can send us any relevant information at [email protected].
Tariffs for repairs: the evaluation is done depending on the case.
The products are manufactured in Romania.
Termeni si conditii
Bine ati venit in magazinul online allegracollection.ro! Va rugam sa cititi cu atentie conditiile noastre inainte de a face o comanda. Folosirea acestui website si plasarea de comenzi online semnifica acceptul dumneavoastra in ceea ce priveste conditiile mai jos mentionate:
Intregul continut al site-ului este proprietatea PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA si este aparat de Legea Drepturilor de Autor si de legile privind proprietatea intelectuala si industriala. Folosirea fara acordul allegracollection.ro a oricaror elemente din site se pedepseste conform legilor in vigoare.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA nu isi asuma responsabilitatea si nu poate fi facuta vinovata pentru pagubele aparute prin folosirea in orice fel a informatiilor sau produselor de pe acest site. Toate informatiile de pe site sunt publicate cu scop informativ si nu se pot substitui sfaturilor sau prescriptiilor oricarui personal medical calificat.
Datorita faptului ca produsele noastre sunt realizate in totalitate manual, imaginile prezentate pe site sunt cu titlu de exemplu, iar intre produsele efectiv livrate si imagini pot exista mici diferente foarte putin sesizabile.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA isi rezerva dreptul de a actualiza prezentii termeni si conditii fara o notificare prealabila a persoanelor care utilizeaza acest site, modificarile intrand in vigoare de la momentul publicarii lor pe site. Este obligatia Clientilor si a Vizitatorilor de a verifica periodic clauzele cuprinse in prezentii termeni si conditii.
Declaratie de conformitate si garantie
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA, cu sediul in Str. Vuietului nr. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucuresti, inregistrata la Registrul Comertului cu nr. F40/1802/05.08.2020, CUI: 42872820, Tel: +40 722 415915, Fax: +40 21 266 6551, e-mail: [email protected], asigura, garanteaza si declara pe propria raspundere, conform prevederilor art. 5 din hotararea guvernului nr. 1022/2002 privind regimul produselor si serviciilor care pot pune in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii si protectia mediului, ca produsele comercializate de societate, nu pun in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii, nu produc impact negativ asupra mediului si sunt in conformitate cu normele UE. Accesoriile din argint au o puritate de 92,5%. Pietrele naturale pot prezenta mici diferente si imperfectiuni de culoare sau crapaturi, acesta nu este un defect, este aspectul lor natural.
Garantia oferita include faptul ca bijuteria este din metal pretios (argint) si este marcata de PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA autorizata ANPC cu nr. 11836/11.11.2021 si totodata cu marca de responsabilitate a PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA Nr. B/MR/551/16.05.2022.
Garantia comerciala este de 12 luni de la data achizitionarii produsului (momentul in care s-a plasat comanda), daca acesta prezinta vicii de fabricatie. Pentru a beneficia de acest drept este necesara prezentarea certificatului de garantie.
Conform legii 449/2003, art.11 alin.2, cumparatorul nu poate cere inlocuirea bijuteriei din motivul caderii pietrelor. Orice reparatie la produsele aflate in termenul de garantie se va efectua in mod gratuit sau se va inlocui in conditiile OG nr.21/1992 revizuita, daca se confirma faptul ca un defect de material sau de manopera a reprezentat cauza unei asemenea deteriorari, mai degraba decat utilizarea necorespunzatoare a bijuteriei de catre cumparator. Remedierea se va face in termen de 15 zile de la data constatarii deficientei.
In cazul inlocuirii, nu garantam ca va fi livrat acelasi model. Daca nu este disponibil acelasi model, se va livra un model similar avand o valoare echivalenta.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA ofera clientilor sai intretinere si reparatii pentru bijuteriile achizitionate pe viata. Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa ne anunti pe adresa de email [email protected]. Singurul cost suportat de tine va fi cel pentru transport (20 lei/expediere + 20 lei/returnare).
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA autorizata de ANPC pentru efectuarea operatiunilor cu metale pretioase si pietre pretioase, asigura, garanteaza si declara pe propria raspundere, conform prevederilor art. 5 din hotararea guvernului nr. 1022/2002 privind regimul produselor si serviciilor care pot pune in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii si protectia mediului, ca bijuteriile din argint realizate si comercializate de societate, nu pun in pericol viata, sanatatea, securitatea muncii, nu produc impact negativ asupra mediului si sunt in conformitate cu normele UE.
Bijuteriile din argint comercializate sunt verificate si certificate si poarta marcajul directiei ANPC – Metale si Pietre Pretioase care garanteaza calitatea metalului pretios utilizat si marca de responsabilitate proprie mai sus mentionata.
Instructiuni de intretine a bijuteriilor:
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA se straduieste sa prezinte produsele cu precizie maxima, totusi este posibil ca fiecare produs sa aiba detaliile sale care sa nu fie mentionate in descriere. Puteti sa ne semnalati orice informatie relevanta la [email protected].
Tarife pentru reparatii: evaluarea se face in functie de caz.
Produsele sunt fabricate in Romania.