The delivery of the purchased products / services to the Client is made through an express courier company. Deliveries will be made, on average, within 24-48 hours from the date the consumer sent the order. If the product will be delivered in excess of the above term, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA will inform the Customer by E-mail, within 7 working days from the date on which the customer sent the order, in which case, the latter may cancel in writing to order. In the event that the payment was made before the delivery date of the ordered product (s), the amounts paid will be refunded in full according to law, within 30 days.
In the event that the price of the product or some features of the product have been incorrectly displayed and the delivery has not yet been made, our company reserves the right to cancel the delivery of that product and notify the customer as soon as possible about the error.
The price of the product is the one indicated next to each item. Shipping costs will be supported by the customer: 19.00 Lei for delivery by Fast Courier – Sameday. The final price paid by the customer consists of the price of the product and the related shipping costs.
The products can also be ordered by phone at no. +40 722 415915 or by e-mail at: [email protected].
The products can also be picked up from our headquarters in Str. Vuietului no. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucharest and paid in cash. does not charge any additional fee to the customer when buying the product. Our company is not a VAT payer.
The invoicing of the purchased products is made exclusively in RON. In case the payment is made by bank card, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA will debit the Client’s current account with the amounts representing the equivalent value of the ordered products, after sending to the latter the order confirmation.
In the case of online payments, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA is not / cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs borne by the customer, including, but not limited to, currency conversion fees applied by the issuing bank of his card, in case which its issuance currency differs from RON. The responsibility for this action lies solely with the client.
This site uses security measures against the loss, alteration or misuse of information under our control. does not assume responsibility for the loss of information caused by errors of the software or server with which the site is hosted.
The website operates according to the legal provisions of the Romanian State.
Politica de livrare a produselor
Livrarea catre Client a produselor/serviciilor achizitionate, este efectuata prin intermediul unei firme de curierat rapid. Livrarile se vor efectua, in medie, in 24 – 48 ore de la data la care consumatorul a transmis comanda. In cazul in care produsul va fi livrat cu depasirea termenului susmentionat, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA va informa Clientul prin E–mail, in termen de 7 zile lucratoare de la data la care clientul a transmis comanda, caz in care, acesta din urma poate renunta in scris la comanda. In eventualitatea in care plata a fost efectuata inainte de data livrarii produsului / produselor comandat(e), sumele platite vor fi rambursate in totalitate conform legii, in termen de 30 de zile.
In eventualitatea in care pretul produsului sau unele caracteristici ale produsului au fost gresit afisate, iar livrarea nu s-a efectuat inca, compania noastra isi aloca dreptul de a anula livrarea produsului respectiv si de a anunta clientul in cel mai scurt timp despre eroarea aparuta.
Pretul produsului este cel indicat in dreptul fiecarui articol. Taxele de expeditie vor fi suportate de catre client: 19,00 Lei pentru livrare prin Curierul Rapid – Sameday. Pretul final platit de client este format din pretul produsului si cheltuielile de expeditie aferente.
Produsele pot fi comandate si telefonic la nr. +40 722 415915 sau prin e-mail la adresa: [email protected].
Produsele pot fi ridicate si de la sediul nostru din Str. Vuietului nr. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucuresti si achitate in numerar. nu percepe nici o taxa suplimentara clientului la cumpararea produsului. Compania noastra nu este platitoare de TVA.
Facturarea produselor achizitionate se face exclusiv in RON. In cazul in care plata se efectueaza prin card bancar, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA va debita contul curent al Clientului cu sumele reprezentand contravaloarea produselor comandate, ulterior transmiterii catre acesta din urma a confirmarii comenzii.
In cazul platilor online, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA nu este / nu poate fi facuta responsabila pentru niciun alt cost suplimentar suportat de client, incluzand, dar nelimitandu–se la, comisioane de conversie valutara aplicate de catre banca emitenta a cardului acestuia, in cazul in care moneda de emitere a acestuia difera de RON. Responsabilitatea pentru aceasta actiune o poarta numai clientul.
Acest site foloseste masuri de securitate impotriva pierderii, alterarii sau folosirii gresite a informatiilor care se afla in controlul nostru. nu isi asuma insa responsabilitatea pentru pierderile de informatii cuzate de erori ale softului sau serverului cu care este gazduit situl.
Site-ul functioneaza conform prevederilor legale ale Statului Roman.