PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA undertakes not to transmit the personal data of the users of the site to third parties and to use them only for the purpose of establishing contact with its customers, as well as for the purpose of informing them on the aspects related to the operation of the site and its offers. can notify users of current offers through its newsletter, and can send greeting cards, gift vouchers or other special messages. The users of the website are not obliged to provide personal data, but this refusal will lead to the impossibility of delivering orders. Any user who has explicitly provided his email address on the website can choose to delete it from our database. According to Law no. 677/2001, the user benefits from the right of access, of intervention on the data, the right not to be subjected to an individual decision and the right to go to court.
At the same time, the user has the right to object to the processing of personal data concerning him and to request the modification or deletion of the data. To exercise these rights, the user can address a written request, dated and signed by mail to the address of the company from Str. Vuietului no. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucharest. If any of the information about you is incorrect, please let us know as soon as possible.
Note: * any person has the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the processing of data concerning him. This right of opposition may be excluded for certain processing provided by law (eg: processing performed by financial and fiscal services, police, justice, social security). Therefore, this statement cannot be included if the processing is mandatory; * any person also has the right to object, free of charge and without any justification, to the processing of his personal data for direct marketing purposes.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA certifies that it meets the minimum security requirements for personal data. PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA uses security methods and technologies, together with policies applied to employees and working procedures, including control and audit, to protect personal data collected according to the legal provisions in force.
The servers on which the Sites are hosted are protected from limited physical and remote access, being installed in technically and security-appropriate premises. We make all reasonable, commercially justified efforts to protect your personal data collected, analyze new technologies in the field and, if necessary, apply them to upgrade our security systems.
Personal data security measures are established in such a way as to ensure an adequate level of security of the personal data processed.
The information that we will put at your disposal below is regarding the cookies policy, the details regarding their use, placement and administration inside the site
What are cookies?
Cookies are very small data files that are stored in the user’s browser in order to keep information about his actions performed within a particular website.
Cookies are a standard practice used by most sites that benefit from a high number of visitors. The role of cookies is to facilitate access to the information presented inside our site, but also to ensure the user a positive experience at each visit.
How do cookies work?
Cookies are installed by the request sent by a web server to a browser. Cookies are not active files, do not contain software programs or applications, viruses, spyware and there is no possibility to access in any way the information on the user’s hard drive.
Cookies placed by third parties
Certain parts of our site may be made available to the user through third parties (eg videos, advertisements, etc.). These third parties have the right to install their own cookies which are called “third party cookies” and which are adapted to the content rules practiced by the site, regarding this type of files. The purpose for which third parties set their own cookies is to follow the evolution of an application or to personalize an active application within the site. Due to the use of this site, this site cannot access these cookies, just as third parties cannot access the cookies held by this site.
What cookies does this site use?
What kind of information is accessed and stored through cookies?
Cookies store information in a small file that allows a website to recognize a browser. The web server will recognize the cookies until they expire or are deleted.
Cookies store important information that has the role of increasing the quality of the user experience when browsing the Internet (eg setting the language in which you want to use the site, keeping the user logged in, etc.).
The importance of cookies for the internet
Cookies are one of the most important aspects that ensure the correct and efficient functioning of the internet. Through cookies, each internet user has a pleasant experience in the internet browsing action, this being adapted and personalized according to the preferences and interests of each user.
Disabling cookies can make a certain site impossible to use.
How can we disable cookies?
Disabling cookies may prevent the correct and efficient use of the sites. There is a possibility to make a setting in the browser to prevent the acceptance of cookies, but this has consequences in the way of interaction with the site (eg the impossibility to place comments inside the site). The setting for disabling cookies is usually found in the “Options” or “Preferences” menus in the browser used.
Useful Links
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
Cookie settings in Firefox
Cookie settings in Chrome
Cookie settings in Safari
All About Cookies
If you have questions about the information presented, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA se angajeaza sa nu transmita datele personale ale utilizatorilor site–ului catre terti si sa le foloseasca numai in scopul stabilirii contactului cu clientii sai, precum si in scopul informarii acestora asupra aspectelor legate de functionarea site–ului si a ofertelor acestuia. poate notifica utilizatorii privind ofertele curente prin newsletterul sau, si poate trimite felicitari, cupoane cadou sau alte mesaje speciale. Utilizatorii website–ului nu sunt obligati sa furnizeze datele personale, insa acest refuz va conduce la imposibilitatea livrarii comenzilor. Orice utilizator care a furnizat explicit adresa sa de email pe site–ul poate opta pentru stergerea acesteia din baza noastra de date. Conform Legii nr. 677/2001, utilizatorul beneficiaza de dreptul de acces, de interventie asupra datelor, dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale si dreptul de a se adresa justitiei.
Totodata, utilizatorul are dreptul sa se opuna prelucrarii datelor personale care il privesc si sa solicite modificarea sau stergerea datelor. Pentru exercitarea acestor drepturi, utilizatorul se poate adresa cu o cerere scrisa, datata si semnata pe cale postala la adresa societatii din Str. Vuietului nr. 12A, Et. P, Ap. 3, sector 3, Bucuresti. Daca unele din datele despre dumneavoastra sunt incorecte, va rugam sa ne informati cat mai curand posibil.
Observatie: *orice persoana are dreptul de a se opune, pentru motive legitime, la prelucrarea datelor ce o privesc. Acest drept de opozitie poate fi exclus pentru anumite prelucrari prevazute de lege (de ex.: prelucrari efectuate de serviciile financiare si fiscale, de politie, justitie, securitate sociala). Prin urmare, aceasta mentiune nu poate figura daca prelucrarea are un caracter obligatoriu; *orice persoana are, de asemenea, dreptul de a se opune, in mod gratuit si fara nici o justificare, la prelucrarea datelor sale personale in scopuri de marketing direct.
PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA certifica faptul ca indeplineste cerintele minime de securitate a datelor cu caracter personal. PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA utilizeaza metode si tehnologii de securitate, impreuna cu politici aplicate salariatilor si proceduri de lucru, inclusiv de control si audit, pentru a proteja datele cu caracter personal colectate conform prevederilor legale in vigoare.
Serverele pe care Site–urile sunt gazduite sunt protejate de acces fizic si la distanta limitat, fiind instalate in incinte adecvate tehnic si din punctul de vedere al securitatii. Depunem toate eforturile rezonabile, justificate comercial pentru a va proteja datele cu caracter personal colectate, analizam noile tehnologii in domeniu si, atunci si daca este cazul, le aplicam in vederea upgrade–ului sistemelor noastre de securitate.
Masurile de securitate a datelor cu caracter personal sunt stabilite astfel incat sa asigure un nivel adecvat de securitate a datelor cu caracter personal procesate.
Informatiile pe care vom pun le dispozitia dumneavoastra in continuare sunt cu privire la politica cookie-urilor, la detaliile privind utilizarea, plasarea si administrarea acestora in interiorul site-ului
Ce sunt cookie-urile?
Cookie-urile reprezinta fisiere foarte mici de date care se stocheaza in browserul utilizatorului cu scopul de a retine informatii despre actiunile acestuia efectuate in interiorul unui anumit site web.
Cookie-urile sunt o practica standard utilizata de majoritatea site-urilor care beneficiaza de un numar ridicat de vizitatori. Rolul cookie-urilor este acela de a facilita accesul la informatia prezentata in interiorul site-ului nostru, dar si de a asigura utilizatorului o exerienta pozitiva la fiecare vizita.
Cum functioneaza cookie-urile?
Cookie-urile sunt intalate prin solicitarea trimisa de catre un web-server unui browser. Cookie-urile nu sunt fisiere active, nu contin programe sau aplicatii software, virusi, spyware si nu exista posibilitatea de a accesa in niciun fel informatiile de pe hard-driverul utilizatorului.
Cookie-urile plasate de terti
Anumite parti ale site-ului nostru pot fi puse la dispozitia utilizatorului prin intermediul unor terte parti (ex: video, reclame, etc). Aceste terte parti au dreptul de a instala propriile cookie-uri care poarta numele de “third party cookies” si care sunt adaptate la regulile de continut practicate de site, privitoare la acest tip de fisiere. Scopul pentru care tertii seteaza propriile cookie-uri este acela de a urmari evolutia unei aplicatii sau de a personaliza o aplicatie activa in interiorul site-ului. Datorita modului de utilizare, acest site nu poate accesa aceste cookie-uri, la fel cum tertele parti nu pot accesa cookie-urile detinute de acest site.
Ce cookie-uri utilizeaza acest site?
Ce tip de informatii sunt accesate si stocate prin cookie-uri?
Cookie-urile pastreaza informatii intr-un fisier de mici dimensiuni care permit unui website sa recunoasca un browser. Web-serverul va recunoaste cookie-urile pana in momentul in care acestea expira sau sunt sterse.
Cookie-urile stocheaza informatii importante care au rolul de a creste calitatea experientei utilizatorului in momentul navigarii pe internet (ex. Setarea limbii in care se doreste utilizarea site-ului, pastrarea user-ului logat, etc).
Importanta cookie-urilor pentru internet
Cookie-urile reprezinta unul dintre cele mai importante aspecte care asigura functionarea corecta si eficienta a internetului. Prin intermediul cookie-urilor fiecare utilizator de internet are parte de o experienta placuta in actiunea de navigare pe internet, aceasta fiind adaptata si personalizata conform preferintelor si intereselor fiecarui utilzator.
Dezactivarea unor cookie-uri poate face un anumit site imposibil de utilizat.
Cum putem dezactiva cookie-urile?
Dezactivarea cookie-urilor poate impiedica utilizarea corecta si eficinta a site-urilor. Exista posibilitatea de a realiza o setare din browser care sa impiedice acceptarea cookie-urilor, insa acest lucru are consecinte in modul de interactiunea cu site-ul (ex. Imposibilitatea de a plasa comentarii in interiorul site-ului). Setarea pentru dezactivarea cookie-urilor se gaseste, de regula, in meniurile “Optiuni” sau “Preferinte” din browserul utilizat.
Linkuri utile
Cookie settings in Internet Explorer
In cazul in care aveti intrebari cu privire la informatiile prezentate, nu ezitati sa ne contactati la [email protected].