Returns Policy


We want our products to fully meet your quality expectations.


PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA cannot guarantee the stock availability of all displayed products. For this reason, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA reserves the right not to honor the order in case the product disappears from the current offer. Any complaint will be sent to PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA within 24 hours from the receipt of the products (by phone or in writing by e-mail), and will be sent for resolution.


If the products cannot be delivered or suffer damage during delivery, the customer may request the immediate return of the amounts advanced up to that point, provided the products are returned according to the above clauses, but not other compensation.


If you are dissatisfied with the ordered products, you can return them within 10 working days from the date of receipt. For this procedure please contact us. The only condition is that the product is in the same condition in which it was delivered to you (including the original packaging and the accompanying documents). In maximum 30 days from the return date you will receive the value of the order. All transportation costs of the products will be supported by the customer, even if the order has benefited from free promotional delivery. (The refund does not include the cost of transporting the products.)


The return of the products is subject to ordinance no. 130 / 31.09.2000 approved and completed by law no. 51 / 21.01.2003 regarding the regime of distance contracts. According to the mentioned legislation, the Consumer (a consumer is any natural person or group of natural persons constituted in associations, who buy, acquire, use or consume products or services outside their professional activity) has the right to notify in writing the trader that he renounces the purchase, without penalties and without invoking a reason, within 10 working days from receiving the product. The product can be returned only if it is in perfect condition, including packaging, i.e. they do not show any signs of wear or use.


Return of products is subject to this law only for products delivered to customers by express courier. Orders that have been picked up from our headquarters or delivered by our company directly to customers through our own staff are not considered distance selling, as they can be viewed, verified and accepted personally, for which reason it is considered appropriate to the customer’s purpose and needs.


According to ordinance no. 130/2000, Chap. 1, Art. 2, letter a), by Distance Contract means the contract for the supply of products or services concluded between a trader and a consumer (in the acceptance of the law, a consumer is any natural person or group of natural persons constituted in associations, which buys, acquires, uses or consumes products or services outside their professional activity), within a sales system organized by the trader, which uses exclusively, before and at the conclusion of this contract, one or more distance communication techniques .


Politica de returnare / anulare

Ne dorim ca produsele noastre sa satisfaca pe deplin cerintele dumneavoastra de calitate.

PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA nu poate garanta disponibilitatea in stocuri a tuturor produselor afisate. Din acest motiv, PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA isi rezerva dreptul de a nu onora comanda in cazul in care respectivul produs dispare din oferta curenta. Orice reclamatie va fi transmisa catre PFA MOISA LAURA CRISTINA in maximum 24 de ore de la receptionarea produselor (telefonic sau in scris pe e–mail), urmand ca aceasta sa fie transmisa spre solutionare.

In cazul in care produsele nu se pot livra sau sufera deteriorari pe timpul livrarii, clientul poate cere returnarea imediata a sumelor avansate pana la acel moment, sub conditia returnarii produselor conform clauzelor sus mentionate, dar nu si alte despagubiri.

In cazul in care sunteti nemultumit de produsele comandate le puteti returna in termen de 10 lucratoare de la data primirii. Pentru aceasta procedura va rugam sa ne contactati. Singura conditie este ca produsul sa fie in aceeasi stare in care v-a fost livrat (inclusiv ambalajul original si documentele ce il insotesc). In maxim 30 de zile de la data returnarii veti primi contravaloarea comenzii. Toate cheltuielile de transport ale produselor vor fi suportate de client, chiar daca comanda a beneficiat de livrare promotionala gratuita. (Suma inapoiata nu include cheltuielile de transport ale produselor.)

Returnarea produselor se supune ordonantei nr. 130/31.09.2000 aprobata si completata prin legea nr.51/21.01.2003 privind regimul contractelor la distanta. Conform legislatiei mentionate, Consumatorul (un consumator este orice persoana fizica sau grup de persoane fizice constituite in asociatii, care cumpara, dobandesc, utilizeaza sau consuma produse ori servicii in afara activitatii lor profesionale) are dreptul sa notifice in scris comerciantului ca renunta la cumparare, fara penalitati si fara invocarea unui motiv, in termen de 10 zile lucratoare de la primirea produsului. Produsul poate fi returnat numai daca este in conditii perfecte, inclusiv ambalajul, adica acestea sa nu prezinte sub nici o forma semne de uzura sau folosire.

Returnarea produselor se supune acestei legi numai pentru produsele livrate clientilor prin Curierat Rapid. Comenzile care au fost ridicate de la sediul nostru sau livrate de firma noastra direct clientilor prin intermediul personalului propriu nu sunt considerate comert la distanta, intrucat pot fi vizualizate, verificate si acceptate personal, drept pentru care se considera corespunzatoare cu scopul si nevoile clientului.

Conform ordonantei nr.130 / 2000 , Cap. 1, Art 2, litera a), prin Contract la distanta se intelege contractul de furnizare de produse sau servicii incheiat intre un comerciant si un consumator (in acceptia legii, un consumator este orice persoana fizica sau grup de persoane fizice constituite in asociatii, care cumpara, dobandesc, utilizeaza sau consuma produse ori servicii in afara activitatii lor profesionale), in cadrul unui sistem de vanzare organizat de catre comerciant, care utilizeaza in mod exclusiv, inainte si la incheierea acestui contract, una sau mai multe tehnici de comunicatie la distanta.