Aeliana silver ncklace
Aeliana silver ncklace
Aeliana silver ncklace
Aeliana silver ncklace
Aeliana silver ncklace
Aeliana silver ncklace

Aeliana silver ncklace

1745 RON 345.00 EUR - 345.00 USD

Silver leaves necklace

Out of stock

Silver leaves necklace

This necklace is a combination between the “Sintra” Necklace and the “23 Flowers” Necklace. If you want to see them again, you can find them on the website.

It was the choice of a wonderful woman, whom I value and respect a lot.
She chose to combine two pieces that she liked a lot, to result in a jewel created for her and only for her. In this way, she wears a unique jewel, just as she is, as a statement about her free spirit and about the connection with what surrounds her.

It gave me great pleasure to make it. I made it with love, as I do with any piece of jewelry. Each project is unique and I feel honored to be the one who gives life to your dreams!

Long necklace

Material: Sterling silver

Made to order

Colier cu frunze din argint

Acest colier este o combinatie intre Colierul “Sintra” si Colierul “23 Flowers”. Daca vrei sa le revezi, le poti gasi pe site. 
A fost alegerea unei femei minunate, pe care o pretuiesc si o respect mult.
Ea a ales sa combine doua piese care i-au placut mult, pentru a rezulta o bijuterie creata pentru ea si numai pentru ea. In acest fel poarta o bijuterie unica, asa cum este ea, ca pe o declaratie despre spiritul ei liber si despre legatura cu ceea ce o inconjoara.
Mi-a facut multa placere sa il realizez. L-am facut cu drag, asa cum fac orice bijuterie. Fiecare proiect este unic si ma simt onorata sa fiu cea care da viata viselor tale!

Colier lung

Material: Argint 925

Se realizeaza pe comanda

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