Soren necklace
Soren necklace
Soren necklace
Soren necklace

Soren necklace

210 RON ~42.00 EUR - 42.00 USD

Turquoise, silver and silver-plated necklace

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Turquoise, silver and silver-plated necklace

Turquoise is a crystal spread over the entire surface of the globe; hence the abundance of jewels made with this stone so beautiful and full of meanings.

People have used it since the 16th century as a stone of happiness and victory.

When you own a piece of jewelry with a Turquoise crystal, you will have abundance in life.

This crystal promotes the ambition and energy needed to help you turn your dreams into reality.

It has the ability to provide stability to help you feel comfortable with yourself and your choices, with your life.

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label

Colier din turcoaze si argint, cu elemente decorative placate cu argint

Turcoazul este un crstal raspandit pe toata suprafata globului; de unde si abundenta de bijutreii realizate cu aceasta piatra atat de frumoasa si de plina de semnificatii.

Oamenii au folosit-o din secolul al XVI-lea ca piatra a fericirii si a victoriei.

Atunci cand detii o bijuterie cu un cristal de Turcoaz, vei avea parte de abundenta in viata.

Acest cristal promoveaza ambitia si energia necesara pentru a te ajuta sa iti transformi visele in realitate.

Are capacitatea de a asigura stabilitate pentru a te ajuta sa te simti confortabila cu tine si cu alegerile tale, cu viata ta.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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