Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace
Elly back necklace

Elly back necklace

2050 RON

Silver and Lapis Lazuli back necklace

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Silver and Lapis Lazuli back necklace

I’m going to start sharing a fantastic story with you; because that’s the only way I can call it, as I felt while working on this collection. I’m going to reveal to you a tab from this ‘magic book’.

When I started working on this necklace, I felt every stage as unreal. At one point I left the workshop and exclaimed around the house: “these jewels seem from another world!” That’s exactly how I felt: that I was from a fantastic world. Each piece told me how it wanted to become and anticipated the next object.
Every day a magical element is added. I was shaking with emotion and impatience to finish them and see the final result. Every time I stopped, I couldn’t wait to get back to work.

The central element of the collection is a BACK NECKLACE. It is worn, of course, with a dress with a bare back.
It is made of silver and Lapis Lazuli. Silver dresses the stone-pendant. It flows around the stone.
The back pendulum can also be found in the front. The necklace is balanced in this way, front-back; it does not pull harder on one side than the other, but it is exactly the same weight on both sides.

And now let me tell you about the first ‘magic’ you can do with this necklace:
The Lapis Lazuli stone-pendant can be removed both from the back of the necklace and from the front, balancing the whole ensemble again.
This step is useful when you want, for example, to dance and you don’t want the back stone to move too much.

Here is the second ‘magic’:
A separate necklace that can be detached from the pendulum stone.
It is made of Silver and embraces the Lapis stone-pendant as if in an embrace.

And – finally – here is the third ‘magic’:
When the necklace with the lapis lazuli comes off, a piece of silver remains on it that preserves the shape of the pendant stone, the piece that looks like a ‘mold’.
Then, if you turn this piece over, its back looks like a stone itself, with a slightly different color than antiqued silver.

An incredible journey in a fantastic world. This was the story of the necklace.
For me it was a miraculous experience. Exactly!

Made by hand

Colier pentru spate, din argint si Lapis Lazuli

Voi impartasi cu tine o poveste fantastica; pentru ca doar asa o pot numi, dupa cum m-am simtit in timp ce lucram la aceasta colectie. Am sa iti dezvalui pas cu pas cate o fila din aceasta ‘carte magica’.
Cand am inceput sa lucrez la acest colier simteam fiecare etapa ca ireala. La un moment dat am iesit din atelier si am exclamat prin casa: “bijuteriile astea par din alta lume!” Exact asa simteam: ca sunt dintr-o lume fantastica. Fiecare obiect imi transmitea cum vrea sa iasa si anticipa obiectul urmator.
In fiecare zi se mai adauga un element magic. Tremuram de emotie si de nerabdare sa le termin si sa vad cum ies. De fiecare data cand ma opream, abia asteptam sa ma apuc din nou de treaba.
Elementul central al colectiei este un COLIER PENTRU SPATE. Se poarta, desigur, la o rochie cu spatele gol.
Este realizat din argint si Lapis. Argintul imbraca piatra-pendul de lapiz. Curge in jurul pietrei.
Pendulul din spate se regaseste si in partea din fata. Colierul se echilibreaza in acest fel, fata-spate; nu trage mai greu intr-o parte fata de cealalta, ci este exact aceeasi greutate in ambele parti.
Si acum sa iti spun despre prima ‘magie’ pe care o poti face cu acest colier:
Piatra-pendul de Lapis Lazuli se poate scoate atat din partea din spate a colierului, cat si din partea din fata, echilibrand din nou intregul ansamblu.
Aceasta miscare este utila atunci cand persoana care il poarta isi doreste, de exemplu, sa danseze si nu vrea ca piatra din spate sa se miste prea tare.
Iata si a doua ‘magie’:
Un colier separat care poate fi detasat din piatra pendul. 
Este realizat din Argint si cuprinde ca intr-o imbratisare piatra-pendul de Lapis.
Si – in sfarsit – iata si a treia ‘magie’:
In momentul in care se desprinde colierul cu piatra de Lapis, pe el ramane o piesa din argint care pastreaza forma pietrei-pendul, piesa ce arata ca un ‘mulaj’.
Apoi, daca intoarce aceasta piesa, spatele ei arata ca o piatra in sine, cu o culoare usor diferita de argint antichizat.
O calatorie incredibila intr-o lume fantastica. Aceasta a fost povstea colierului.
Pentru mine a fost o experienta miraculoasa. Exact asa!
Realizat manual
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