Convas silver cufflinks puzzle
Convas silver cufflinks puzzle
Convas silver cufflinks puzzle
Convas silver cufflinks puzzle
Convas silver cufflinks puzzle
Convas silver cufflinks puzzle

Convas silver cufflinks puzzle

Silver cufflinks puzzle

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Silver cufflinks puzzle

I am going to show you a new Corporate project. It is about creating out of silver – a company’s logo, because of the 20 years activity celebration.
The manager of the company wanted to show his appreciation and thanks the employees, because 20 years is, indeed, a performance!

This is a collection made of 16 cufflinks, i.e. 8 pairs, made of silver, in the shape of the company’s logo, which actually represents a leaf. Each cufflink is different from the other, each having a shape of a leaf.
On the back I engraved the numbers from 1 to 16, and the team members choose numbers from 1 to 16, and they received 2 pieces of cufflinks corresponding to the won numbers.

Each team member went home with a pair of silver cufflinks, packed in a black box with green tissue paper and a green bow.

I was honored to work for this order and thank you for this opportunity.
Every project is a challenge and every stage of the project is fascinating for me.


The price is set upon request, depending on the project

Puzzle cu butoni din argint 

Am sa iti prezint un alt proiect Corporate. Este vorba de reproducerea siglei unei companii care a aniversat 20 de ani de activitate.
Managerul firmei a dorit sa le transmita apreciarea si multumirea angajatilor, pentru ca 20 de ani reprezinta, intr-adevar, o performanta!
Iti prezint astfel o colectie formata din 16 butoni, adica 8 perechi, din argint, in forma siglei firmei, care reprezinta de fapt o frunza. Fiecare buton este diferit de celalalt, fiecare avand o forma care aduce cu una a unei frunze.
Pe spate am gravat cifrele de la 1 la 16, iar membri echipei au tras la sorti numere de la 1 la 16, urmand sa primeasca acele 2 piese corespunzatoare numerelor castigate.
Pretul se calculeaza pentru fiecare proiect special in parte
Fiecare membru al echipei a plecat acasa cu o pereche de butonii din argint, ambalati intr-o cutie neagra cu hartie de matase verde si funda verde.
Am fost onorata sa lucrez pentru aceasta comanda si multumesc pentru aceasta oportunitate.
Fiecare proiect reprezinta o provocare si fiecare etapa a proiectului este fascinanta pentru mine.
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