Atlas cufflinks
Atlas cufflinks
Atlas cufflinks
Atlas cufflinks

Atlas cufflinks

725 RON ~145.00 EUR - 145.00 USD

Silver, red agate and onyx cufflinks

Out of stock

I’m going to tell you how time stopped.
One day I received a phone call. The voice on the other end of the line told me that she really likes the jewelry I make and that she wants me to make a series of jewelry for an event.
After a few days we met, I showed them part of my portfolio and I received the order right on the spot: I was about to make a series of jewelry, after which the other projects would follow.
I left there anesthetized… I didn’t even know how to react… I didn’t even know how to be happy… This is happening to me!!!
I made the sketches, they were accepted.
And I started working on the collection. While I was working, I felt such joy thinking what a miracle was happening to me that I could really do what I like! And there were tears of joy…. I quickly wiped them away to see what I was doing there and I kept going…
Sometimes my hands trembled with emotion, other times I began some procedures that I had never done in my life, but nothing scared me… I went forward with joy, because I knew that they would come out the way they wanted to come out and that will be just right.
I loved every stage. At one point I was preparing the silver for a certain procedure and it broke. What came out was much more beautiful than I had originally planned…
And – the day came when I had to hand over the jewelry. I felt like an exam. I realized not only the responsibility I was carrying on my shoulders, but also the fact that the following contracts depended on this first project.
How were they received? I have no words to describe how appreciated they were. I was reading the messages and crying. With tears that wet my clothes… And I read again and cried again…
I’ll leave you with some pictures of the jewelry – silver cufflinks, red agates and onyx – and I’ll go work on the next project. Also for these wonderful people who I don’t think I will ever be able to thank enough for the opportunity they gave me and for how much trust they had in me. And for their love!
❀️❀️❀️I love you beautiful people and thank you! You know who you are πŸ˜‰πŸ˜

Am sa iti povestesc cum timpul s-a oprit in loc.
Intr-o zi am primit un telefon. Vocea de la celalalt capat al firului imi spunea ca ii plac foarte mult bijuteriile pe care eu le fac si ca isi doreste sa realizez o serie de bijuterii pentru un eveniment.
Dupa cateva zile ne-am intalnit, i-am aratat o parte din portofoliul meu si am primit comanda pe loc: aveam de realizat o prima serie de bijuterii in perioada imediat urmatoare, dupa care urmau si celelelte proiecte.
Am plecat de acolo anesteziata… Nici nu stiam cum sa reactionez… Nici nu stiam cum sa ma bucur… Mie mi se intampla asta!!! Uaaaaaauuuuu!!!!!
Am realizat schitele, au fost acceptate.
Si am inceput sa lucrez la colectie. In timp ce lucram, asa o bucurie simteam cand ma gandeam ce minune mi se intampla sa pot sa fac cu adevarat ce imi place! Si mi-au dat lacrimile. Mi le-am sters repede ca sa vad ce fac acolo si am continuat…
Uneori imi tremurau mainile de emotie, alteori ma apucam sa fac proceduri pe care nu le facusem in viata mea, dar nu ma speria nimic… mergeam inainte cu bucurie, pentru ca stiam ca vor iesi asa cum vor ele sa iasa si asa va fi cel mai potrivit.
Imi placea fiecare etapa. La un moment dat pregateam argintul pentru o anumita procedura si s-a rupt. Ce a iesit a fost cu mult mai frumos decat il planificasem initial…
Si – a venit si ziua in care trebuia sa predau bijuteriile. Ma simteam ca la examen. Imi dadeam seama nu doar de responsabilitatea pe care o purtam pe umeri, ci si de faptul ca urmatoarele contracte depindeau de acest prim proiect.
Cum au fost primite? Nu am cuvinte sa iti descriu cat de apreciate au fost. Citeam mesajele si plangeam. Cu lacrimi care imi udau hainele… Si mai citeam odata si mai plangeam odata…
Am sa te las cu cateva imagini ale bijuteriilor – butoni din argint, agate rosii si onix – si am sa plec sa lucrez la urmatorul proiect. Tot pentru acesti oameni minunati carora nu cred ca le voi putea multumi vreodata suficient pentru oportunitatea pe care mi-au oferit-o si pentru cata incredere in mine au avut. Si pentru dragostea lor!
❀️❀️❀️Va iubesc oameni frumosi si va multumesc! Stiti voi cine sunteti πŸ˜‰πŸ˜
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