Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings
Valencia earrings

Valencia earrings

275 RON ~ 55.00 EUR - 55.00 USD

Silver earrings Handmade Unique   It was love at first sight… …a tree laid a carpet of silk leaves in my path. Among them, like some gems – the seeds – that told me they wanted me to pick them… The tree told me that it has an honorable age and has seen a lot; […]


Silver earrings




It was love at first sight…

…a tree laid a carpet of silk leaves in my path. Among them, like some gems – the seeds – that told me they wanted me to pick them…

The tree told me that it has an honorable age and has seen a lot; it was full of memories and stories; he wanted to tell them further. He had chosen me to become one of the messengers.

I raised my eyes and felt how his life and memories were inside him. In him was history, experience and age. There were seasons and years. But it was quiet.

You know… when I understood that it is about the peace of the soul, I let myself be carried by an unseen hand that gently led me to the world of art and endowed me with this gift. I chose to work with plants and that’s how I came to understand them. I wait for each season that gives me new treasures. This means for me to merge with the natural rhythm of life and not to rush. Yes, let’s not hurry; to enjoy every moment, to live now.

I wait for each leaf to grow and follow each flower that is about to bloom. I marvel at the greatness and beauty around me and the endless gifts I receive from nature.

Each plant is a work of art. It is living art.

And the seeds of the great Silk Oak chose to become silver earrings. It was the first thought I had when I saw them. Thanks for the gifts!πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


Weight: 3.55 g sterling silver

Dimension: 8 cm

Cercei argint

Realizati manual



A fost dragoste la prima vedere…

…un copac imi asternea in cale un covor de frunze de matase. Printre ele, ca niste nestemate – semintele – care imi spuneau ca vor sa le culeg…

Copacul imi spunea ca are o varsta onorabila si a vazut multe; era plin de amintiri si povesti; vroia sa le spuna mai departe. Ma alesese sa devin unul dintre mesageri.

Mi-am ridicat privirea spre el si am simtit cum viata lui si amintirile se aflau in interiorul lui. In el era istorie, experienta si varsta. Erau anotimpuri si ani. Insa, era liniste.

Stii… cand am inteles ca este vorba de linistea sufletului, m-am lasat purtata de o mana nevazuta care m-a condus delicat catre lumea artei si m-a inzestrat cu acest dar. Am ales sa lucrez cu plantele si astfel am ajuns sa le inteleg. Astept fiecare anotimp care imi daruieste noi comori. Asta inseamna pentru mine sa ma contopesc cu ritmul natural al vietii si sa nu ma mai grabesc. Da, sa nu ma mai grabesc; sa ma bucur de fiecare moment, sa traiesc acum.

Astept fiecare frunza sa creasca si urmaresc fiecare floare care sta sa infloreasca. Ma minunez de maretia si frumusetea din jurul meu si de nesfarsitele daruri pe care le primesc de la natura.

Fiecare planta este o opera de arta. Este arta vie.

Iar semintele maretului Stejar de Matase au ales sa devina cercei din argint. A fost primul gand pe care l-am avut cand le-am vazut. Multumesc pentru daruri!πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š


Gramaj: 3.55 g argint 925

Dimensiune: 8 cm

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