Kai earrings
Kai earrings
Kai earrings

Kai earrings

195 RON ~39.00 EUR - 45.50 USD

Kai earrings – made of aquamarine and silver

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Kai earrings – aquamarine and silver earrings

I told you about aquamarine before, but there is much more to say.

Today I’m going to tell you about the qualities that this stone has that I haven’t told you about before:
– aquamarine is recommended for those who want to get closer to a higher consciousness and who want to look positively at major life changes;
– it helps you improve clairvoyance and shape intuition;
– this crystal removes stress and fear, providing space for space and peace;
– it has a protective role against negative vibrations;
– it helps you remove confusion and make decisions easier, finish things that you started without finishing them.

I made this pair of silver earrings for a special, extremely delicate and beautiful woman; a woman who wants to bring joy back into the lives of those around her.  I admire her a lot for that!

The universe wanted me to find 2 unpolished aquamarine stones, almost identical, even if you don’t really see that that from the picture… What were the chances???

If you want something similar, let me know and I’ll find the right stone for what you want.


Similar product: https://allegracollection.ro/product/asymmetric-earrings-with-amethyst-and-rhombic-metal-frame/

Cercei Kai – realiztati din acvamarin si argint
Despre acvamarin ti-am mai povestit. Dar mai sunt multe de spus.
Azi am sa iti spun despre calitati pe care aceast piatra le are si pe care nu ti le-am mai spus:
acvamarinul este recomandat celor care vor sa se apropie de o constiinta superioara si care vor sa priveasca pozitiv schimbarile majore ale vietii;
– ajuta la imbunatatirea clarviziunii si modelarea intuitiei;
– acest cristal indeparteaza stresul si frica, oferind spatiu pentru spatiu si liniste;
are rol protector in fata vibratiilor negative;
ajuta la inepartarea confuziei, la usurarea luarii unor decizii si finalizarii unor lucruri incepute si neterminate.
Am realizat aceasta pereche de cercei din argint pentru o femeie deosebita, extrem de delicata si frumoasa; o femeie care vrea sa readuca bucuria in viata celor celor din jurul ei. O admir mult pentru asta!
Universul a vrut ca eu sa gasesc 2 pietre neslefuite de acvamarin, aproape identice, chiar daca din poza nu prea se intelege asta… Care erau sansele???
Daca iti doresti ceva similar, spune-mi si ma ocup sa gasesc piatra potrivita pentru ce iti doresti tu.
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