Friendship pendants
Friendship pendants
Friendship pendants
Friendship pendants

Friendship pendants

397 RON ~ EUR 79.40 - USD 79.40

Silver friendship puzzle pendants

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Silver friendship puzzle pendants

… when you have a girlfriend who means so much to you and the puzzle pieces that fit perfectly, symbolize exactly that…
… when you feel the need to always carry that symbol with you and know that the other half is with a person who feels exactly the same as you…
… when you feel that the other soul is always close to you, always and always, all your life…
I made this jewel in 925 Silver. The puzzle pieces fit together perfectly and can be worn as a pendant.
Weight: 10.5 g Sterling Silver
Dimension: ~ 2×2 cm

The product is delivered packed in a black rigid box with string and Allegra’s label



Pandantivele prieteniei in forma de puzzle
… cand ai o prietena care inseamna atat de mult pentru tine iar piesele de puzzle care se potrivesc perfect, simbolizeaza exact asta…
… cand simti nevoia sa porti mereu cu tine acel simbol si sa stii ca jumatatea cealalta se afla la o persoana care simte exact la fel ca tine…
… cand simti ca sufletul celalalt este mereu aproape de tine, mereu si mereu, toata viata…
Am realizat aceasta bijuterie din Argint 925. Piesele de puzzle se imbina perfect si se poarta ca pandantiv.
Gramaj: 10.5 g Argint 925
Dimensiuni: ~ 2×2 cm
Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra rigida, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra
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