Amethyst ring
Amethyst ring
Amethyst ring
Amethyst ring

Amethyst ring

260 RON 52.00 EUR - 61.50 USD

Amethyst and silver ring

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Amethyst and silver ring

Amethyst is a stone of spirituality – it has a very high spiritual vibration, having a very important role of protection against negative energies in the environment.

It helps you to remove blockages and addictions.

It helps you find peace and deep understanding during meditation practices.

In spiritual practices, a spiritual awareness is achieved. It helps to find inner peace and to raise the energetic vibration.

It’s like energy armor.

It helps you maintain the daily energetic state, to calmness and balance and to strengthen intuition, which becomes like a voice in your mind that guides you subconsciously. For some subtly, for others obviously. Even if we are tempted to ignore intuition many times, when we listen to it, we will always be guided to our highest self.

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Ametistul este o piatra a spiritualitatii – are o foarte mare vibratie spirituala, avand un rol foarte important de protectie impotriva energiilor negative din mediul inconjurator.

Contribuie la inlaturarea blocajelor si a dependentelor.

Te ajuta sa gasesti linistea si intelegerea profunda in timpul practicilor de meditatie.

In practicile spirituale se realizeaza o constientizare spirituala. Ajuta la gasirea pacii interioare si la ridicarea vibratiei energetice.

Este ca o armura energetica.

Ajuta la intretinerea starii energetice zilnice, la calm si echilibru si la intarirea intuitiei, care devine asemeni unei voci din mintea ta care te ghideaza in mod subconstient. Pentru unii subtil, pentru altii in mod evident. Chiar daca suntem tentati sa ignoram intuitia de multe ori, atunci cand o ascultam, intotdeauna vom fi ghidati catre cel mai inalt sine al nostru.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra


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