Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring
Magical silver ring

Magical silver ring

600 RON ~ EUR 120.00 - USD 120.00

Magical silver ring

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Magical silver ring 



Made to order – The rings are made to the customer’s stone or with a stone requested by the customer

It is a patina ring, a solid, massive, unfinished ring that supports a stone found on a mystical beach in Iceland.
The stone is so beautiful and so polished by water, that it did not require any processing.

I felt that the light that penetrates through the stone and then passes through the cracks of the silver, represents optimism.

And I’ll tell you something else: when I finished the ring I felt a thrill of emotion passing through me. I mounted the stone and I felt it. It’s a feeling that I would like to have after finishing each piece of jewelry, because there is part of my soul. And what decided to become is magic.

Inel ‘magic’ din argint

Realizat manual


Realizat pe comanda – Inelele se realizeaza cu piatra clientului sau cu o piatra aleasa de acesta

Este un inel cu patina, un inel solid, masiv, nefinisat si care sustine o piatra gasita pe o plaja mistica din Islanda.
Piatra este atat de frumoasa si atat de slefuita de apa, incat nu a necesitat nici o prelucrare.
Am simtit ca lumina care patrunde prin piatra iar apoi trece prin crapaturile argintului, reprezinta optimismul.
Si am sa iti mai spun ceva: este o bijuterie, pentru care, atunci cand am terminat-o, am simtit cum ma trece un fior de emotie. Am montat piatra si am simtit asta. Este o senzatie pe care mi-as dori sa o am dupa ce termin fiecare bijuterie. Pentru ca acolo este parte din sufletul meu. Iar, ce a hotarat sa iasa este alegerea ei, a magiei, a materiei care s-a lasat in mainile mele; a divinului.


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