Aquamarine silver ring
Aquamarine silver ring
Aquamarine silver ring

Aquamarine silver ring

160 RON ~32.00 EUR - 37.50 USD

Aquamarine and silver ring

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Aquamarine silver ring

Let me tell you about this ring: I made it for a beautiful, elegant woman, who inspired me with her courage. I cherish her for that. And I thank her for that!

Aquamarine is a stone of courage. Mounted on silver, it is no longer just a stone, but a jewel.

Aquamarine is said to soothe the mind, reduce stress and harmonize energies; that it sharpens intuition and facilitates spiritual awakening; that it attracts and keeps luck.

Am sa iti spun despre acest inel ca l-am creat pentru o femeie frumoasa, eleganta, care m-a inspirat cu curajul ei. O pretuiesc mult pentru asta. Si ii multumesc!
Acvamarinul este o piatra a curajului. Montat pe argint, nu mai este doar o piatra, ci devine o bijuterie.
Se spune despre Acvamarin ca linisteste mintea, reduce stresul si armonizeaza energiile; ca ascute intuitia si faciliteaza trezirea spirituala; ca atrage si pastreaza norocul.
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