Wisper bracelet
Wisper bracelet
Wisper bracelet

Wisper bracelet

125 RON

Feng Shui lucky charms bracelet, with a turtle, tree dragonflies, a rabit, a swan and a pig


Feng Shui lucky charms bracelet, with a turtle, tree dragonflies, a rabbit, a swan and a pig.

According to Asian beliefs, the tortoise is considered a sacred symbol of longevity, stability and endurance.

Dragonflies are lucky insects and are a symbol of luck, change and dreaming; they are symbolically associated with prosperity, power, courage, peace, harmony and purity.

The rabbit symbolizes clemency, good manners, kindness, sensitivity to beauty and creativity.

The swan symbolizes grace, beauty, purity, love and delight.

The pig represents prosperity, driving away negative energies, overcoming obstacles, keeping friends.


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Bratara cu simboluri Feng Shui norpcoase: o testoasa, trei libelule, un iepure, o lebada si un porc.

Confrom credintelor asiatice, broasca testoasa este considerat un simbol sacru al longevitatii, stabilitatii si rezistentei.

Libelulele sunt insecte aducatoare de noroc și reprezintă simbolul schimbarilor si al visarii; sunt în mod simbolic asociate cu prosperitatea, puterea, curajul, pacea, armonia și puritatea.

Iepurele simbolizeaza clementa, bunele maniere, bunatatea, sensibilitatea la frumusete si creativitatea.

Lebada simbolizeaza gratie, frumusete, puritate, dragoste si incantare.

Porcul reprezinta prosperitate, alungarea energiilor negative, depasirea obstacolelor, pastrarea prietenilor.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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