Beehive earrings
Beehive earrings
Beehive earrings
Beehive earrings

Beehive earrings

125 RON ~25.00 EUR - 29.10 USD

Turquoise and metal earrings


Turquoise and metal earrings

Each semiprecious stone is attributed a lot of beneficial properties.

Thus, for every product made with turquoise you will find properties and qualities this stone has to offer. They are all part of the same story. Read them all and enlighten your soul!

The turquoise stone is said to offer spiritual comfort and a very good physical shape. It is also called the “Healing Master.” This stone has the property of connecting with the healing energy of water, the life-giving and life-sustaining element.

Turquoise gives a state of well-being, calm, serenity. Relieves stress and negative energy. Thus, this crystal can be used as an energy shield.

You can use this semiprecious stone in your daily meditations.

To find out other properties of turquoise, I invite you to enjoy other jewelry that I made with this stone.


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label


Cercei din turcoaze si metal fara nichel

Fiecarei pietre semipretioase ii sunt atribuite o multime de proprietati benefice.

Astfel, la fiecare produs realizat cu turcoaze vei gasi proprietati si calitati pe care aceasta piatra le ofera. Toate sunt parte din aceeasi poveste. Citeste-le pe toate si imbogateste-ti sufletul!

Piatra de turcoaz se spune ca ofera confort la nivel spiritual si o forma foarte buna in planul fizic. Mai este numita “Maestrul vindecator”. Aceasta piatra are proprietatea de a face legatura cu energia vindecatoare a apei, elementul care da viata si care sustine viata.

Turcoazul confera o stare de bine, de calm, de serenitate. Elibereaza de stres si de energii negative. Astfel, acest cristal poate fi folosit ca si scut energetic. 

Poti folosi aceasta piatra semipretioasa in meditatiile tale zilnice.

Pentru a afla si alte proprietati ale turcoazului, te invit sa te delectezi si cu alte bijuterii pe care le-am realizat cu acesta piatra.


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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