Chandelier necklace
Chandelier necklace
Chandelier necklace
Chandelier necklace

Chandelier necklace

75 RON 15.00 EUR - 17.45 USD

Transperent cristals and stainless steel base necklace


Transparent beads and rigid circular stainless steel base necklace

It is a necklace that makes you shine and takes any outfit out of the crowd

It can be nicely matched with the Chandelier earrings:

The necklace and earrings can be sold together or separately. The price you see here is for the necklace alone

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Colier din cristale transparente si baza rigida, circulara din inox

Este un colier care te face sa stralucesti si scoate din anonimat orice tinuta

Pot fi asortati intr-un mod interesant cu cerceii:

Cerceii si colierul se pot vinde separat sau impreuna. Pretul afisat aici este pentru colier.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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