Tarquin earrings
Tarquin earrings
Tarquin earrings

Tarquin earrings

55 RON ~15.00 EUR - 15.00 USD

Turquoise and metal earrings


Long Turquoise and metal earrings

The Turquoise stone gives you spiritual comfort and helps you get in very good physical shape. Due to its characteristics, the Turquoise stone is also called the “Master Healer”. It has the ability to connect with the healing energy of water, the element that gives life and sustains living beings. With its energy, it rejuvenates and ensures healing. Supports a general state of well-being.

This crystal also supports a state of calmness, serenity, and helps you get rid of stress and negative energies.

Therefore, this crystal is also perceived as a shield and energy protector.

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Cercei lungi din metal cu turcoaze

Piatra de Turcoaz iti ofera confort spiritual si te ajuta sa obtii o forma foarte buna in planul fizic. Datorita caracteristilor sale, piatra de Turcoaz se numeste si „Maestrul Vindecator”. Are capacitatea de a face conexiunea cu energia vindecatoare a apei, elementul care da viata si care sustine fiintele vii. Cu energia sa, intinereste si asigura vindecarea. Sustine o stare generala de bine.

Acest cristal vine de asemenea cu o sustinere a starii de calm, de serenitate, si te ajuta sa te eliberezi de stres si de energii negative.

De aceeaa, acest cristal este perceput si ca un scut si protector energetic


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra


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