Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring
Talia ring

Talia ring

336 RON ~ 67.20 EUR - 67.20 USD

Silver and Chrysocola ring


Silver and Chrysocola ring

Chrysocola stone helps getting rid off the negativity from our energy field. Thus, by eliminating fear, doubt, or lack of motivation, we are free to follow with confidence all the powerful transformations that occur in all aspects of our lives, from relationships to careers and beyond. When the energetic or emotional limitations have been removed, the Chrysocolla crystal brings a true infusion of fresh and positive energy to propel us forward.

It can be worn together with the necklace that can be found here:

Talia necklace


Handmade, Unique

The product is delivered packed in a black rigid box with string and Allegra’s label



Inel din argint si Crisocola

Piatra de Crisocola contribuie la eliminarea negativitatii din campul nostru energetic. Astfel, prin eliminarea fricii, a indoielii sau a lipsei de motivatie suntem liberi sa ne urmam cu incredere toate transformarile pline de putere care au loc in toate aspectele vietii noastre, de la relatii la cariera si chiar mai departe. In momentul in care limitarile de ordin energetic sau emotional au fost indepartate, cristalul de Crisocola aduce o adevarata infuzie de energie proaspata si pozitiva pentru a ne propulsa inainte.

Poate fi purtat impreuna cu colierul pe care il gasesti aici:

Talia necklace


Realizta manual, Unicat


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra rigida, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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