Robin bracelet set
Robin bracelet set
Robin bracelet set

Robin bracelet set

180 RON ~36.00 EUR - 41.86 USD

Men’s bracelet set


Men’s bracelet set

Men also wear jewelry.

Either they are a present from a loved one, a symbol or they remind you of a moment that deserves to be remembered.

Whatever the reason, a bracelet on a man’s hand is sexy.

This are made of volcanic rock, onyx, wood and silver plated metal elements.

Volcanic rock is considered a rebirth stone, helping those who want to get rid of unhealthy emotional attachments. It helps you light the inner flame to follow your true path in life.

Onyx is a warrior stone, which helps you release negative mental habits that start from fear. It sustains vigor, firmness and vitality and frees the soul from the grip of self-doubt.

Wood symbolizes the transformation and attraction of luck.

The three bracelets can be worn separately or together. It is only up to you.

Set de bratari barbatesti
Si barbatii poarta bijuterii.
Fie ca sunt o amintire de la o persoana draga, fie ca reprezinta un simbol sau aduc aminte de un moment ce merita sa fie tinut minte.
Indiferent de motiv, o bratara pe mana unui barbat este sexy.
Acestea sunt realizate din roca vulcanica, onix, lemn si elemente metalice placate cu argint.
Roca vulcanica este considerata ca fiind o piatra a renasterii, ajutand acele persoane care vor sa e elibereze de atasamente emotionale nesanatoase. Aprinde flacara interioara pentru a-ti urma adevaratul tau drum in viata.
Onixul este o piatra razboinica, care ajuta la eliberarea obiceiurilor mentale negative care pornesc din frica. Sustine vigoarea, fermitatea si vitalitatea si elibereaza sufletul din stransoarea neincrederii in sine.
Lemnul simbolizeaza transformarea si atragerea norocului.
Cele trei bratari pot fi purtate separat sau impreuna. Cum iti face tie placere.
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