Ocean bracelet
Ocean bracelet
Ocean bracelet
Ocean bracelet

Ocean bracelet

125 RON ~25.00 EUR - 30.00 USD

Blue suede bracelet with marine-themed charms


Unique Handmade Jewelry Collection

Blue suede bracelet with marine-themed charms

When you miss the sea… when you left a part of your soul there… when you know that over there all worries disappear and you are free…

Can be matched with the Ocean necklace here: https://allegracollection.ro/product/marine-charm-necklace/


This product can be made by order


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Colectie de bjuterii unice realizate manual

Bratara din piele intoarsa bleumarin si charmuri cu tema marina

Cand iti este dor de mare… cand ti-ai lasat o parte din suflet acolo… cand stii ca acolo toate grijile dispar si esti liber…

Poate fi asortat cu colierul Ocean de aici: https://allegracollection.ro/product/marine-charm-necklace/


Acest produs se realizeaza pe comanda


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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