Malachi necklace
Malachi necklace
Malachi necklace
Malachi necklace

Malachi necklace

135 RON ~ 27.00 EUR - 27.00 USD

Tree of life metal necklace on suede cord


Malacki necklace – a tree of life necklace

Metal charms on purple suede cord. You can find the tree of life symbol in tree charms: one in the main one and 2 at each end of the suede cord.

The tree of life is one of the most widespread symbols interpreted differently from one culture to another and from one era to another.

It represents evolution in life, the cyclicality of life, communication with the cosmos:
– through the roots – as a connection with the origins
– through the trunk – representing stability
– through the branches – the connection with the divine.

The jewelry that includes the tree of life symbolizes the deep roots and the continuously evolving bonds of the family, but also the balance, harmony and interconnection of all things in the world.

As a family symbol, the tree of life connects past, present and future generations in a magical way.



The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Colier Malachi – colier cu copacul vietii

Colier cu charmuri metalice pe snur din piele intoarsa mov. Poti regasi simbolul copacului vietii in trei pozitii: pe pandantivul principal si pe cele doua terminatii ale snurului.

Pomul vietii este unul dintre cele mai raspandite simboluri interpretate diferit de la o cultura la alta si de la o epoca la alta.
Reprezinta evolutia in viata, ciclicitatea vietii, comunicarea cu cosmosul:
– prin radacini – ca o legatura cu originile
– prin trunchi – reprezentand stabilitatea
– prin crengi – legatura cu divinul.
Bijuteriile ce includ copacul vietii simbolizeaza radacinile profunde si legaturile in continua evolutie ale familiei, dar si echilibrul, armonia si interconectarea tuturor lucrurilor din lume.
Ca simbol al familiei, arborele vietii conecteaza generatiile trecute, prezente si viitoare intr-un mod magic.
Realizat manual

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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