Lagoon necklace
Lagoon necklace
Lagoon necklace
Lagoon necklace

Lagoon necklace

250 RON

Colier cu turcoaze si lant din otel inoxidabil


Unique Handmade Jewelry Collection

Turquoise necklace with stainless steel chain.

Turquoise is considered a symbol of wisdom, nobility and immortality, of power and wealth. Wear it as a jewel or as a talisman that brings luck, success, money, fame, ambition and creativity. Calms the mind and soothes fears.

It is a stone of wisdom, it helps to access information from the personal subconscious and what the psychotherapist Jung called in the last century “the collective subconscious of humanity of all times and places.”

The product is delivered in a black pillow-type box, tied with string and Allegra label

Colectie de bjuterii unice realizate manual
Colier cu turcoaze si lant din otel inoxidabil.
Turcoaz-ul este considerat simbol al intelepciunii, nobletii si nemuririi, al puterii si bogatiei. Poarta-l ca bijuterie sau drept talisman aducator de noroc, succes, bani, faima, ambitie si creativitate. Calmeaza mintea si alina temerile.
Este o piatra a intelepciunii, ajuta accesarea informatiilor din subconstientul personal si a ceea ce psihoterapeutul Jung numea in secolul trecut „subconstientul colectiv al umanitatii din toate timpurile si locurile”.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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