Egeean necklace
Egeean necklace
Egeean necklace
Egeean necklace

Egeean necklace

175 RON ~ EUR 35.00 - USD 35.00

Driftwood and blue stones necklace

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Driftwood and blue stones necklace

There are some jewels that, when I make them, I tell myself that I’m the only one who will like them, because no one would want to wear them.

The same happened with this necklace.

He made it from drift-wood – carried by the waters of the Aegean sea, collected from one of the beaches in Greece.

When I get to a beach, you’ll see me walking bent over, looking down, not interested in the sun or the water – but only in the treasures I could find. And I find a lot! 

I have an impressive collection of stones, wood and shells at home. Every one of them wants to tell its story, how they got that shape, and they are curious to see what they will become in my hands.

This necklace is made of driftwood, sanded, painted and with blue crystal inserts.

Well – what can I say – when I’m wearing it, everyone admires it. It draws attention in a way that no other necklace could. Truly!

If you want a similar one – I’ll make it for you!


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label

Colier dintr-un lemn purtat de ape si pietre albastre

Sunt unele bijuterii pe care, atunci cand le fac, imi spun ca eu sunt singura careia ii vor placea, pentru ca nu ar avea cine sa vrea sa le poarte.

Asa este si in cazul acestui colier.

L-a facut din drift-wood – lemn purtat de apele marii Egee, cules de pe una dintre plajele din Grecia.

Cand ajung pe o plaja prin locurile alea, o sa ma vezi mergand aplecata, cu privirea in jos, fara sa ma intereseze soarele sau apa – ci doar ce comori gasesc. Si gasesc! ooo, da, din plin!

Am acasa o colectie impresionanta de pietre, lemne si scoici. Fiecare vrea sa isi spuna povestea, cum a ajuns sa aiba forma aceea, si este curioasa sa vada ce viata urmeaza sa ii dau mai departe.

Colierul pe care ti-l arat azi este din drift-wood, slefuit, pictat si cu insertie de cristale albastre.

Ei – ce sa mai lungesc – atunci cand l-am purtat, toata lumea l-a admirat. A atras privirile cum poate alt colier nu a facut-o. Sincer!

Daca vrei unul similar – iti fac! Spune-mi la ce vrei sa se asorteze si – ta-tam… il vei avea! 


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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