Crystal necklace
Crystal necklace
Crystal necklace
Crystal necklace

Crystal necklace

85 RON ~17.00 EUR - 20.00 USD

Tri-colored delicate necklace: pink, purple, black


Tri-colored delicate necklace: pink, purple, black

You never know the true impact you have on those around you. You will never know how much someone needed the smile you gave them, or the hug you gave them. Don’t wait for the other to be kind first, do not wait for circumstances to change, or for the other to change. Take the first step!

Or, to put it another way: you will never know what this necklace will look like until you wear it! It is very delicate and very easy to match. Try it! And you will find out the impact that an accessory has on your outfit!

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Colier delicat in trei culori: roz, mov, negru
Nu stii niciodata adevaratul impact pe care il ai asupra celor din jur. Nu vei stii niciodata cat de multa nevoie a avut cineva de zambetul pe care i l-ai dat, sau de imbratisarea pe care i-ai dat-o. Nu astepta ca celalalt sa fie bun primul, nu astepta ca circumstantele sa se schimbe, sau ca celalalt sa se schimbe. Fa tu primul pas!
Sau, sa o luam altfel: nu vei stii niciodata cum iti va sta acest colier, pana nu il vei purta! Este foarte delicat si se asorteaza foarte usor. Incearca-l si vei afla astfel impactul pe care il are un accesoriu asupra tinutei tale!

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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