Sevyn necklace
Sevyn necklace
Sevyn necklace
Sevyn necklace

Sevyn necklace

175 RON ~ 35.00 EUR - 40.70 USD

Electroplated Quartz necklace


Electroplated Quartz necklace

We’ve talked about Quartz before, but there is never enough.

I feel different when I wear this stone – maybe I’m influenced by what I read about it, maybe it’s true – it’s certain that I feel good with it!

Let me tell you something else:

They say that the moment you find out exactly what you want in life, then you can start the journey to make it a reality.

When you want to manifest the life of your dreams, the energy of the colorless quartz crystal helps you take this practice to the next level.

The colorless Quartz stone works to increase the vibration and helps you clarify what you want, therefore it is ideal for it to manifest, to transform.

The whole family of quartz crystals helps to express wishes in reality, but the colorless Quartz crystal is special when it comes to charging your intentions with a lot of energy and transmitting these intentions to the Universe.

I created this necklace from electroplated colorless Quartz. The stones are mounted in a fixed position on a metal memory wire. The position in which you see them remains the same, the stones do not move along the line.

I love this stone a lot and I would work with it all day.

Colier cu Cuart incolor electroplacat

Despre Cuart am mai vorbit, insa niciodata nu este spus totul.
Eu ma simt altfel cand port aceasta piatra – poate sunt influentata de ce am citit despre ea, poate chiar este adevarat – cert este ca imi este bine cu ea!
Sa iti mai povestesc si tie cate ceva:
Se spune ca in momentul in care ai aflat exact ce iti doresti in viata, atunci poti sa incepi calatoria pentru a transforma acest lucru in realitate.
Cand vrei sa iti manifesti viata visurilor tale, energia cristalului Cuartului incolor te ajuta sa duci aceasta practica la urmatorul nivel.
Piatra de Cuart incolor lucreaza la cresterea vibratiei si a clarificarii asupra a ceea ce iti doresti, de aceea este ideala pentru ca aceasta sa se manifeste, sa se transforme.
Toata familia de cristale de cuart ajuta la exprimarea dorintelor in realitate, insa cristalul de Cuart incolor este special atunci cand vine vorba despre incarcarea cu foarta multa energie a intentiilor tale si transmiterea acestor intentii in Univers.
Am creat acest colier din Cuart incolor electroplacat. Pietrele sunt montate in pozitie fixa pe fir metalic cu memorie. Pozitia in care le vezi ramane la fel, pietrele nu se misca pe fir.
Mie imi este foarte draga aceasta piatra si as lucra cu ea toata ziua.
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