Kathlan bracelet
Kathlan bracelet
Kathlan bracelet
Kathlan bracelet

Kathlan bracelet

195 RON ~39.00 EUR - 46.00 USD

Woven leather bracelet and silver charms, engraved with the names of the dear people in your life   The secret of a remarkable masculine style is to feel good about what you wear. And if you wear a bracelet that will always remind you of those you love and who love you, then the fulfillment […]


Woven leather bracelet and silver charms, engraved with the names of the dear people in your life


The secret of a remarkable masculine style is to feel good about what you wear. And if you wear a bracelet that will always remind you of those you love and who love you, then the fulfillment you will be animated with, will give you an air of greatness. Because love is what makes you human!

A man’s style can be seen from the love he has in his soul!

I created this bracelet with love, for a man who carries a lot of love in his soul.


I can make a similar bracelet to order, customized according to your preferences.

The cost may differ depending on the number of personalized charms.

Please leave in the comments in the order the name you want inscribed.

The product is delivered in a black box-type pillow, tied with string and Allegra’s label

Bratara din piele impletita si charmuri din argint, gravate cu numele oamnilor dragi din viata voastra


Secretul unui stil barbatesc notabil este sa te simti bine cu ceea ce porti. Si daca la mana porti o bratara care sa iti aminteasca mereu de cei pe care ii iubesti si care te iubesc, atunci implinirea cu care vei fi insufletit iti va da un aer de maretie. Pentru ca iubirea este cea care te face om!

Stilul unui barbat se vede din iubirea pe care o are in suflet!

Am create aceasta bratara cu drag, pentru un om care poarta foarte multa iubire in suflet.


Pot realiza la comanda o bratara similara, personalizata in functie de preferintele voastre.

Costul poate diferi in functie de numarul de charmuri personalizate.

Va rog sa lasati in comentariile din comanda numele pe care le doriti insriptionate.


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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