Nixi necklace
Nixi necklace
Nixi necklace
Nixi necklace

Nixi necklace

125 RON ~25.00 EUR, ~29.10 USD

A necklace made of a hearth-shape stone with stainless steel chain and charms


Take out a sheet of paper! We will have a test. The question:
What is the object in the image?
Choose from the answers below:
a) A boulder
b) Laura found another stone and says it is in the shape of a heart …
c) A metaphor: a hardened heart for which you have found the right key to be able to open it
d) All the above answers
Correct answer: d)


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label

Scoate-ti o foaie de hartie! Dam lucrare de control. Intrebarea:
Ce reprezinta obiectul din imagine?
Alegeti din raspunsurile de mai jos:
a) Un bolovan
b) A mai gasit Laura o piatra si zice ca este in forma de inimioara…
c) O metafora: o inima impietrita pentru care ai gasit cheia potrivita sa o poti deschide
d) Toate raspunsurile de mai sus
Raspuns corect: d)

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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