Flowers of ice necklace
Flowers of ice necklace
Flowers of ice necklace
Flowers of ice necklace

Flowers of ice necklace

195 RON ~39.00 EUR - 39.00 USD

Grey leather flower necklace


Grey leather flower necklace

Grey leather flowers, shiny transparent beads on memory stainless steel cord

Unique necklace, handmade, that will make you stand out of the crowd!

Dare to be unique!

Don’t accessorize like everybody else or you will never know how much a simple accessory can change your mood!

Available in any color, made to order


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label


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A similar product made of silver:

Flori gri din piele si margele transparente fatelate pe fir cu memorie din otel inoxidabil

Un colier unicat, realizat manual, care te va scoate din anonimat

Nu iti dori sa te accesorizezi ca toti ceilalti! Daca vei face asta nu vei stii niciodata ce schimbare de atitudine iti va oferi un simplu accesoriu! Vei fii unica!

Disponibil in orice culoare, la comanda.

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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