Marple necklace
Marple necklace
Marple necklace
Marple necklace

Marple necklace

245 RON ~ 49.00 EUR - 57.00 USD

Electroplated quartz necklace on memory cord


Electroplated quartz necklace on memory cord

Quartz is also called the crystal of clarity.

It’s a lucky talisman.

It is the most powerful energy and healing amplifier on Earth. It acts according to the needs of each person in terms of energy, whether we are talking about healing or spiritual activities.

Wearing it – increases your energy, vitality and potential.

It awakens your unknown talents and innate talents. It not only contributes to their discovery, but also to their actual use.

It can purify the mind, the physical body and the spirit.

Contribute to the clear establishment of what you want and how the desire can manifest. Remove distractions from the inside so that you can work to turn your wish into reality.

It helps you eliminate mental confusion, reaching a higher level of your being. It helps you make decisions according to your goals. If you are unsure, it helps to have a clear perspective on the decisions you need to make.

It works to increase vibration, helps to express desires in reality. It is special when it comes to loading your intentions with a lot of energy and transmitting them to the Universe.

It balances energetically, strengthens the organs, stimulates the immune system, contributes to the connection between the physical and the mental dimension.


The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label



Colier cu cuart electroplacat si fir cu memorie

Cuartul se mai numeste si cristalul claritatii. 

Este un talisman care aduce noroc.

Este cel mai puternic amplificator energetic si curativ de pe Pamant. Actioneaza in acord cu nevoile fiecarei persoane din punct de vedere energetic, fie ca vorbim despre vindecare sau activitati spirituale.

Purtandu-l, iti creste energia, vitalitatea si potentialul.

Iti trezeste talentele necunoscute si telentele innascute. Nu doar contribuie la descoperirea lor, dar si la folosirea lor efectiva.

Poate sa purifice mintea, corpul fizic si spiritul.

Contribuie la stabilirea clara a ceea ce iti doresti  si a modului in care dorinta se poate manifesta. Indeparteaza distragerile din interior, astfel incat sa poti lucra pentru a-ti transforma dorinta in realitate.

Te ajuta sa elimini confuzia mentala, atingand un nivel superior al fiintei tale. Te ajuta sa iei deciziile in acord cu scopurile tale. Daca esti nesigura, te ajuta sa ai o perspectiva clara asupra deciziilor pe care trebuie sa le iei.

Lucreaza la cresterea vibratiei, ajuta la exprimarea dorintelor in realitate. Este special atunci cand vine vorba despre incarcarea cu foarte multa energie a intentiilor tale si transmiterea acestora in Univers.

Echilibreaza energetic, fortifica organele, stimuleaza sistemul imunitar, contribuie la conectarea dintre dimensiunea fizica si cea mentala.


Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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