Feather necklace
Feather necklace
Feather necklace

Feather necklace

250 RON ~ 50.00 EUR - 58.14 USD

Black feathers with green iridescence necklace, on memory wire

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Black feathers with green iridescence necklace, on memory wire

This is a necklace that I made with so much enthusiasm!!! It is made of shiny black feathers with green reflections.


Since the idea came to me, I didn’t stop until I finished it. I was very attentive to the details, each one until it was perfect…

It is supported on a metal wire with memory and the connecting elements are plated with silver.

It can be accessorized with a round neckline, highlighting an elegant black dress.

Colier din pene negre cu irizatii verzi, pe fir metalic cu memorie
Acesta este un colier pe care l-am facut cu atat de mult entuziasm!!! Este din pene negre stralucitoare, cu reflexe verzi.
De cand mi-a venit ideea nu m-am oprit pana cand nu l-am terminat. Am fost foarte atenta la detalii, fiecare pana sa fie perfecta…
Este sustinut pe fir metalic cu memorie iar elementele de conectare sunt placate cu argint.
Se poate accesoriza la un decolteu rotund, punand in evidenta o rochie eleganta neagra.
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