Dewdrop earrings
Dewdrop earrings
Dewdrop earrings
Dewdrop earrings

Dewdrop earrings

135 RON ~ 27.00 EUR - 31.50 USD

Asymmetrical mother-of-pearl earrings

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Asymmetrical mother-of-pearl earrings

How do you feel when you know that what you are wearing is UNIQUE? How special? How appreciated?

For example, wear these mother-of-pearl earrings, which are not only UNIQUE, but each one is different. In each ear you will have a different earring. Clearly – people will have the second look at you!

The product is delivered packed in a black pillow box with string and Allegra’s label

Cercei asimetrici din sidef

Cum te simti cand stii ca ce porti este UNICAT? Cat de speciala? Cat de apreciata?
De exemplu, poarta acesti cercei din sidef, care nu numai ca sunt UNICAT, ci fiecare este diferit de perechea sa. In fiecare ureche vei avea un cercel diferit. Evident ca oamenii se vor uita a doua oara la tine!

Produsul este livrat intr-o cutie neagra tip-pernuta, legata cu sfoara si eticheta Allegra

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